Monday, August 12, 2013

Outdoor Divas 2013

Ok, this is a post that has more to do with the end of summer instead of my classroom. Yesterday, I was able to complete my end-of-summer goal - the Outdoor Divas Triathlon! It is a sprint tri where you swim 1/2 mile, ride your bike for 12.4 miles, and run a 5k. It was  fabulous day! Ok, I won't lie, I was so nervous even though this was my second triathlon (I did my first last year) but knew I could do it one part at a time. By the time I was running across the finish line, I was on cloud nine. Plus, my daughter jumped in with me and ran across the finish line with me. Yay! So, summer is almost over ( I have to go back tomorrow) and I couldn't think of a better way to end my summer vacation. Great friends, phenomenal family support, and proving to myself I can push myself outside my comfort zone and do something I didn't think I could a few years ago. Will I do it again? Yep! I will be nervous again and want to sleep in when the early alarm clock goes off, but it is worth it.

This picture is of my training partners/friends and I after we had all finished. I am #975. I hope all of you had or will have a great end to your summer as well. Have a great day.

What is your big accomplishment for the summer?

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