Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Day Back for Teachers

Summer is officially over for me. I had to report to school today for the new year. We have so many first graders this year that we added another teacher. We now have five teachers for first grade in our building. Holy moly! Can you believe it? Last year we were hoping to get to keep our fourth teacher and this year we add another teacher. I am so grateful because this means I now have 17 kids in my class instead of 22... Yes! As a parent (my son is a first grader), I am even more excited that he will have a smaller class size.

As for the first day back, I think I made more of a mess than getting ready. Does anyone else have this problem To get ready, I have to pull tons out and then my room looks out of control. I am still in the process of getting everything up and put away. My theme is ladybugs and the door is done, the signs are up, and the centers are ready. That is good.

I still have to get my essential learning targets (elt's) printed off, my lesson plan book ready, my standards put into a notebook and my attendance roster ready to go. In one week, we have our open house. I will be ready!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this sounds just like me during the first week back. When I eneter the room the floors are waxed and of course things are all stored away in closets and shelves. Then starts the unpacking and getting the room ready. And within a couple of hours it looks like a storm went through it. Plus, I am the person who will go through stuff as I am unpacking, which causes me to take longer. The last hour of the night before the first day of school, before getting kicked out, is called my "oh s***" time, when I take whatever is still out and I neatly pack it under my desk. My intention is to go through all of it within the first month. Well, months go by and the stuff is still in boxes under my desk.

    Anyway, I just wanted to comment that I have the same problem, of having everything "out of control". It doesnt help when other staff walk by and say, "boy you have a lot to do still". Im sure there are others like us out there!!! Continue to have a great year!
