Friday, August 16, 2013

Open House on Monday

I can't believe that our Open House is Monday!

Let me wear my mommy hat first... Both of my kiddos will be at my school this year. That's right! No more getting to school way early to put my little man on the bus to go to the pre-k/kinder school! Do you hear me cheering from way over here??? WOOHOO! That also means that I miss both of my kiddos Open House tours this year because I will be giving mine at the same time. Yup, my hubby will get to go to both kiddos all on his own. Luckily, my son is directly across the hall (he's in first grade in my dear co-teachers class!) and my daughter is in the far wing (I don't like how far away she is) of the building with MY favorite teacher (besides my mom) of all time. So, I am blessed this year with the teachers my kids have. BLESSED!

Now to the teacher hat...AUGH! I am not ready. Are we ever ready in time? I feel like my room is in a state of chaos, I don't have my handouts ready, and my students/parents are going to have way too many questions that I don't know all the answers to. OK, in all honesty, I know I will be ready (with extra time in the classroom this weekend) and the rest will be FINE, but those feelings never disappear until Open House is done. Then, I come home so excited for the next day aka the First Day of School.

So, I was looking at my Firstie's pictures today on Infinite Campus and I just smiled the entire time. They are so darn cute. I can't wait to meet them all on Monday and start teaching on Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Day Back for Teachers

Summer is officially over for me. I had to report to school today for the new year. We have so many first graders this year that we added another teacher. We now have five teachers for first grade in our building. Holy moly! Can you believe it? Last year we were hoping to get to keep our fourth teacher and this year we add another teacher. I am so grateful because this means I now have 17 kids in my class instead of 22... Yes! As a parent (my son is a first grader), I am even more excited that he will have a smaller class size.

As for the first day back, I think I made more of a mess than getting ready. Does anyone else have this problem To get ready, I have to pull tons out and then my room looks out of control. I am still in the process of getting everything up and put away. My theme is ladybugs and the door is done, the signs are up, and the centers are ready. That is good.

I still have to get my essential learning targets (elt's) printed off, my lesson plan book ready, my standards put into a notebook and my attendance roster ready to go. In one week, we have our open house. I will be ready!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Outdoor Divas 2013

Ok, this is a post that has more to do with the end of summer instead of my classroom. Yesterday, I was able to complete my end-of-summer goal - the Outdoor Divas Triathlon! It is a sprint tri where you swim 1/2 mile, ride your bike for 12.4 miles, and run a 5k. It was  fabulous day! Ok, I won't lie, I was so nervous even though this was my second triathlon (I did my first last year) but knew I could do it one part at a time. By the time I was running across the finish line, I was on cloud nine. Plus, my daughter jumped in with me and ran across the finish line with me. Yay! So, summer is almost over ( I have to go back tomorrow) and I couldn't think of a better way to end my summer vacation. Great friends, phenomenal family support, and proving to myself I can push myself outside my comfort zone and do something I didn't think I could a few years ago. Will I do it again? Yep! I will be nervous again and want to sleep in when the early alarm clock goes off, but it is worth it.

This picture is of my training partners/friends and I after we had all finished. I am #975. I hope all of you had or will have a great end to your summer as well. Have a great day.

What is your big accomplishment for the summer?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Like Mother Like Daughter

This was originally written on 6/27/13 but I forgot to post it! So, here you go...

My mom was a teacher. I remember growing up playing teacher. We would go to her classroom on the weekends and after school and I would create leassons, projects, worksheets... you name it, I did it. I wanted to be  teacher my entire life. Well, my daughter now does the same thing. This past year she would come into my classroom and head straight to the front table. She would get out the individual dry erase boards and markers for her "students" and teach a lesson. Well, tonight she started making her OWN TpT project. It is so fun. Of course we are really doing it together. She titled it "Monsterific Math" and I am letting her do all the creations. She is loving it. I promised her all the proceeds from her products. I can't wait to share it with you all. She has done the title page, the table of contents, the first actual page and the final credit page is in the works. It is pretty fun sitting next to her and helping her create. I see third-generation teacher all the way... unless she chooses to do something else. I just want her to be happy!

Lemonade for Sale

Where did the summer go? I know! It is G... O... N... E - GONE! The book club was so fun this summer. I loved having the kids over every week to talk about the books. Today, we culminated the end of book club with a lemonade stand of our own. It was awesome. We sold lemonade for two hours and had a profit. The kids decided to donate the money to the American Cancer Society which is just amazing to me. I love those kids.

So, to say summer is gone is an understatement. I go back to work on Tuesday. TUESDAY! Not just a "I need to go work in my room" day... a real, honest to goodness, work day. AUGH! It blows my mind how fast this summer went. We went on vacation, went camping, lounged at the pool, played baseball, had dance, rode bikes, ... Yup, it was a full summer. This weekend is my sprint triathlon. I did my first one last year and we signed up again for year two. It is what motivates me to get off the couch and stay healthy. I love it. It is nice to have a something to work for.

Well, the next time I post I will actually be talking about school stuff! Class size, organizations, common core, trainings, and more! Here we go - let 2013 - 2014 begin!